
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and IRB support BGDF’s commitment to research by working to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects who participate in research; promoting the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice; and by assisting the BGDF’s Institute for STEM Equality, Equity and Inclusion Research community in ensuring compliance with the standards set forth in the Common Rule (45 CFR 46) by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of Black Girls Dive Foundation. BGDF IRB is charged with the responsibility of reviewing, prior to its initiation, all research (whether funded or not) involving human participants. The IRB is concerned with protecting the welfare, rights, and privacy of human subjects. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and institutional policy.

All research projects involving human subjects must be submitted for IRB review. IRB approval for these projects must be granted prior to the initiation of any study activities, including recruitment or analysis of existing data.

Meeting Dates

Third Saturday of the Month

IRB Committee Roster

  1. Dr. Roland Thorpe

  2. Dr. Alexis McRae

  3. Dr. Anthony Ford

  4. Dr. E. Reginald Smith

  5. Anthony I. Butler, J.D.

  6. Amy Heemsoth, MSci.

  7. Dr. Dijuana Figueroa

  8. Jeanette Gossett

Contact Information


Black Girls Dive Foundation IRB (ORG0011186)
IRB #00013270 expires 10/15/2024
FWA #00031813 expires 10/15/2024

Contact Information
Black Girls Dive Foundation, Inc.
10821 Red Run Blvd. Suite 582
Owings Mills, MD 21117